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To: Donna Lasinski, Michigan Representative
From: Nayeema Ahmed
Date: 12/28/2021
RE: Proposal of expanding DHS benefits for women and non-binary homeless

or oppressed community members who are victims of domestic violence and
treated in a discriminatory way. DHS to work with UCIS (United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services) to grant temporary work permit to
victimized immigrant women and improve current DHS benefits for all women
with/without children. This memo proposes housing and employment
incentives which would permit stability and prepare this community to work
while residing from their own home and build upon confidence to prevent them
from the dependency of long-term government and to achieve self-sufficiency.
This memo requests an anti-discrimination policy to provide improved DHS
benefits regardless of age, marital status, gender identity, dependent status,
immigration status, etc. for women and non-binary who face domestic
violence or other struggles. Women and non-binary communities experience
domestic violence regularly and unforeseen circumstances happen - they
struggle to a great extent due to lack of or limitation of benefits. As a result,
some of these women can become victims of many harms from the society
that creates lifelong struggle for them. Unfortunately, this can lead to many
deaths and other unspeakable circumstances. A detailed policy should be in
place to allow a minimum of two years of emergency benefits for women no
matter how different they are from each other. Cash assistance award to be
$1000 for women without children, $1500 for women with children, and to
offer immigrant women the exact same benefits during their crisis. During this
two-year period, the other DHS benefits should be offered to any women the
same as women with children receive. The recommended added cash
assistance would allow any women in crisis to afford housing and other cost
while recovering from trauma and preparing for self-sufficiency. The current
housing voucher program is limited which often leads the oppressed women
without a home as they cannot manage this major cost of living. For example,

a housing voucher could be up to $1300, however, there is no set time limit
when the eligibility stops. There are continuous benefits for some and no
benefits for others and unfortunately, they keep waiting in unsafe conditions.
Since this memo is requesting a short-term increase in cash assistance, the
federal budget would be balanced as extended benefits will not be necessary.
That would also eliminate the compromise this community chose as they did
not have a safety net to build their foundation to re-enter work. An in-depth
case management assignment for these two years would make the process of
independence possible. It is only fair to provide this safety net for women as
they often are found to be vulnerable due to the oppression they face.
The policy proposes more cash assistance for women with children as they
sometimes cannot get custody when they find themselves in this unforeseen
circumstance. These benefits with proper care from case management can
alleviate the struggles of these women and help them to set a goal for self-
sufficiency. Safety net benefits at a time of need can set a building block to
achieve necessary positive accomplishments which can help them being
independent. Women without children are often homeless due to limited
benefits and are victims of many abuses from society. Even if they run away
from their primary abusers as data shows. This leads to trauma,
hopelessness, suicide ideation where a recovery could be long-term process;
instead, if we are proactive to provide these benefits, they would be able to
prepare them for self-sufficiency and contribute to the society. Immigrant
women without work permit/permanent residency (visitor, students,
undocumented, etc.) should also get the same benefits as a U.S. citizen in
case of domestic abuse as they experience the same struggles as their U.S.
neighbors. USCIS should grant temporary work permits with conjunction to
DHS to these immigrant women. This would allow them to sustain at their
difficult times after the safety net would end. The highest cost of expense for
our community members is housing cost. This memo is requesting any
property owner to provide incentives to members of our community who are
facing difficulty with maintaining household expenses and/or homeless with
50% off rent/mortgage cost for two years. This memo requests to give energy
cost and other expenses like insurance 50% off for communities with
unforeseen circumstances. This memo is requesting employers to provide
volunteer/paid work for this community as a priority within their hiring process

(meaning 25% percentage of their workforce from homeless/marginalized
population). In addition, the memo will discuss the historical origin of the
policy, the government approaches to address this policy and barriers, and a
conclusion/recommended solutions for the policy. The memo is addressed to
the Michigan representative to be a voice for women and the oppressed
community experiencing domestic abuse/difficulty and provide adequate DHS
and other benefits mentioned in this memo to help them return to an
independent lifestyle.
Policy Debate:
The non-binary and women population in our community face more domestic
abuse since childhood and they need more recognition, protection and care,
and commitment from the community. They need to be regarded with the
same respect as anyone even if they lost everything they had or despite their
As of now, the current DHS benefits indicate more commitment with women
with children and not without. In addition, the benefit varies based on many
factors including immigration status. If we look into the lens of social justice,
we see that help is equally needed for these women independent of how they
differ from each other.
The vulnerability of any women experiencing domestic abuse is the same or
sometimes worse for women who do not have children. They receive less
benefits and are often homeless. Immigrant women tend to accept abuse
since they have nowhere to go. Also, due to cultural pressure, it leads to an
unsafe living condition. Women with children with minimum cash assistance
can barely get by and it hinders them from building future plans for
Therefore, the memo recommends viewing vulnerability from a different
standpoint and improving the policy to give these women the same
opportunity. It would remove them from the unwanted circumstances they
sometimes find themselves in. The proper need in the proper time saves time
and money as recovery from struggles are more likely to happen.

The property owners’ and employers’ incentives should be available to any
community members since they could be also vulnerable as women and their
cases to be evaluated and approved by social work and DHS.
The historical origin of the policy:
Women in our society are not viewed with proper respect from childhood due
to misconception of what they mean to society and we see this community's
struggles for recognition throughout history.
There is a myth that if someone is a woman, they are supposed to survive
with struggles without complaining instead of claiming the right for equal
respect. Vulnerability should not be viewed lightly and building a struggling
person’s inner strength can transition them from being homeless to their own
home. Therefore, we must provide this safety net care that they need by
revising the DHS benefits.
Government Approaches to Address the Issue and Barriers:
Benefits are given but not in a discriminatory way. There is a lack of and
limitation of funding in current DHS benefits. On top of that, the current
taxation may not allow the affordability of the proposed expansion. It needs to
be re-imagined to make this a reality as the memo proposes saving long-term
federal money by providing a safety net in a crisis. Raising the corporate tax
to 28% and Medicare means testing for higher income beneficiaries are two
taxation ideas that could work.
Conclusion and Recommendation:
It is important to recognize the severity of the abuse that non-binary and
women experience in our society. This would start the process of policy
makers to put a priority on expanding the DHS benefits with conjunction with
USCIS policy revision and proper case management to prepare these women
to achieve full recovery. The stigma of dependency can be minimized when
help in crisis would proactively give them the opportunity to build upon their
inner strength with a safety net that would promote self-sufficiency and
independence. The housing and employment incentives would permit stability
and prepare this oppressed community to work from their own home and build
upon confidence. It would prevent them from the dependency of extended

government benefits since self-sufficiency would be achieved. Government
tax breaks could be considered for these property owners and employers’
participation to improve our economy and budget.

To: Donna Lasinski, Michigan Representative
From: Nayeema Ahmed
Date: 12/28/2021
RE: Proposal to reform the current mental health diagnosis and administering
medication process. A diagnosis should not take place until two years of
extensive therapy is completed without medication and the root cause of a
crisis is determined. No petition for involuntary or voluntary admission should
end up with a diagnosis or medication administration. Short-term SSI or SSDI
to be approved for community members who are incapable of daily functioning
during the two-year data gathering period and SSA gets the recommendation
of their therapists. This would allow appropriate intervention with correct
physical and/or mental diagnosis. Ultimately, this would help patients to
achieve trial work (such as a ticket-to-work program) toward self-sufficiency
within a two-year period. That would entail an extensive case management
and therapy intervention which would save social security funds from
premature diagnosis/associated benefits and would permit ongoing benefits
for only those who need it. Substance abuse needs research as to what food
alternatives and natural medicines assist transition from addiction to remedy.
That would include a heavy case manager and peer therapists who have also
recovered from substance abuse. Substance abuse recovery is crucial as it is
both a physical and mental health crisis.
This memo requests an anti-discrimination policy for our community members
who are either admitted involuntary or voluntary related to mental health or
substance abuse. There are many cases where premature diagnosis and
medication administration never find the crisis a person is truly experiencing.
A premature diagnosis can set a stigma and recovery could take forever,

whereas the memo proposes therapists speak to them and find out what
solution or intervention they need to have interim and permanent recovery. It
is important to provide therapy for two years and find the reason a person is or
was in crisis with care. By not knowing a person, the current evaluation
criterion is limited to the complex scenario a person is experiencing. It is only
a generalization and does not respect the insight of a patient. A patient needs
time, respect, compassion, and commitment from a therapist to allow them to
freely discuss their life story that led them to crisis. Most of the community
members have never been in a mental crisis and some of them conduct
evaluation based on what has been taught to them from their education
perspective - this has a restriction considering the uniqueness of our
community members. Instead of reflecting on the therapist's own personal
experience and bias, it is important to know the entire story of a person they
are speaking to. Prejudice is unavoidable by practitioners or anyone if they
unfortunately lack the insight of how severe abuse can be or uniqueness of a
case. Instead of judging the patients and members of our community, they
need to take the opportunity to know them and talk to them as a partner
towards their recovery.
Policy Debate:
Every individual is unique in our society and brings distinctive insight that our
community can benefit from. Children do not have a diagnosis at birth or very
early in their lives. Any differences from the norm that a parent or a
community may observe could be the result of a complex reason. And hence,
the child or person is not capable of expressing or overreacting to hide what
they are afraid of mentioning. Unfortunately, even parents and guides have
prejudice because of societal norms - this leads children to have to comply
with certain expectations which may not be in their best interest. Some
children need more compassion than other children. As they cannot express
at an early age what is causing them to feel insecure, they want an adult to be
fair and non-judgmental. The struggle for many starts at an early age. Some
experience prejudice throughout their life. The insecurity stemming from
childhood can severely damage the psyche. When someone experiences
isolation from society at a later age, after being successful and then losing
everything, they also have a difficult time to adjust as their happy past
experiences are not present in current time anymore. Different individuals

have different roles and responsibilities and the society we live in has
unfortunately established a “norm”. This leads everyone to comply with certain
standards or they face rejection and depravity to opportunities. When
someone is known to be a sound person, it does not always mean that their
stability is earned by only being caring and compassionate to their
surroundings. Therefore, we have to look at communities facing crisis with the
lens of critical thinking and ask them what rights were taken away from them
whether in a harsh or manipulative way. We need to give them a voice to help
start their recovery process.
Due to many experiences of prejudice, society has marginalized part of our
community and disabled them from the spirited mind they were born with.
Sometimes when a person has authority and no accountability for their own
actions, they can mute or make someone seem controversial by rejecting
them. Others may have some authority and are partially confused as they
themselves may have been abused and finding barriers to accept or offer
compassionate care. In either case, a person who is not in charge would be
very confused without proper guidance and self-confidence.
Therefore, we can see someone showing different symptoms as a result of
being unheard and needing to be heard. This memo would provide the
marginalized community with hope. It would allow them to break apart from
their fear with the help of a therapist. They need to be heard without
medication or diagnosis first to gather appropriate data.
Medication does not cure, it only masks the problem further hindering a
person from recovery. Proper data cannot be achieved under the effect of
medications for two reasons. A person may feel that they have no hope as a
premature diagnosis is made or the effect of medication by itself. Some of
these medicines not only can cause physical challenges like diabetes and
high blood pressure, but they can also create further psychosis, hallucination
and even suicide ideation.
The historical origin of the policy:
If we see the history of crucifixion for Jesus and events leading up to that, we
see Jesus did not even respond to many questions and did not feel the need
to affirm or deny a thought even with brutal abuse.

When there is betrayal and disrespect, the best of the best of our community
do not want to respond, even when they have a great amount of insight.
Therefore, we need to see differences in people in our community as their
struggle or insight instead of their problem.
There are scriptures from many faiths that mention community labeling
prophets as mental people as they live in their unique and fair way instead of
what society defines as “norm”. We also have seen the general population
have to make unpopular choices to be the voice of the marginalized. In turn,
one became marginalized for speaking the truth.
Government Approaches to Address the Issue and Barriers:
Anyone can court order a person based on an allegation, even if it has not
been substantiated. This is because a petitioner can put a general statement
of the accused as a harm to “self” and/or others. The court system then
approves a court order for hospitalization many times without
recommendation by any practitioners. By having a social worker clinical
therapist assigned to review the alleged person for two years, it allows for a
fair chance to explain their story instead of hospitalization and labeling a
Currently, the court only accepts Independent Medical Evaluation
recommendations of PhD psychologists and an MD Psychiatrist to speak
about diagnosis and administration of medication. This is problematic because
they only spend a few hours with the person a month or stop the evaluation
after one meeting. The policy is recommending to change that and to give
social worker therapists and counselors also permission to decide on
diagnosis in court systems as they are more in correspondence with a patient
and they are trained to diagnose.
Conclusion and Recommendation:
Current SSI and SSDI benefits can be given for many years as long as
someone remains disabled and labeled with mental instability. The memo
proposes only two-year emotional therapy to give a fair chance to an
individual to explain their crisis with temporary disability. Till then, the therapist
and patient figure out a pathway for a solution to achieve it. This would allow
our community members who once faced a crisis to start working and support

themselves without disability. This memo, when implemented, could not only
change our community for the better, it would also save money for the Social
Security Administration as continued benefits would not be necessary.
To: Donna Lasinski, Michigan Representative
From: Nayeema Ahmed
Date: 12/28/2020
RE: Proposal of expanding the Equality Act nationwide so no doctors can
discriminate or deny the right to non-binary Eunuch surgery. Hence,
promoting sex-free life and allowing the safety net health care coverage for
uninsured. In addition, it would mandate all public and private health
insurance coverage for individuals needing all medical interventions related to
this surgery.
This memo requests an anti-discrimination policy relating to gender identity,
emphasizing those seeking a sex-free lifestyle through non-binary eunuch
surgery. In our society, some individuals who experience severe emotional
and physical distress due to their gender assigned at birth (gender dysphoria),
are eager to be gender-free through this surgery. A state and federal policy
should be in place to allow this surgery as a right for these individuals. This
policy should also be for advancing current medical research and
interventions (such as mental therapy, genital nullification surgery, top
surgery, and hormone therapy). Moreover, it should ensure complete
healthcare coverage for these individuals and help restore their quality of life.
The current policy does not promote this fundamental civil right of this
population everywhere in the U.S.; there is also a lack of insight, priority, or
support within some of the medical community for people who fall within this
category. The memo will discuss the historical origin of the policy, transgender
and non-binary individuals, and their struggles within today’s society, the
government's approaches to address this policy and barriers, and
conclusion/recommended solutions for the policy. This memo is addressed to
a Michigan representative to voice this community's right to non-binary sex-

free life choices as they may face isolation or discrimination from conventional
society otherwise. This surgery also proven to be the most desired goal of
individuals seeking trans surgery.
Policy Debate:
Pathological tissues are removed to restore disturbed function for individuals
who require it. However, doctors often deny surgery for gender dysphoric
individuals as these conditions do not apply to the general population or are
not prioritized as a life-saving decision even when it truly is. Traditional views
creating the norm and who is deserving undermines the struggle and wish for
this population as some doctors choose to ignore existing laws or outright
refuse treatment.
On the other hand, health professionals who believe in the right to this
surgery, believe gender dysphoria is not a delusion nor a result of a
psychiatric illness or a disorder. They understand that it creates distress and
discomfort in a person at a level that an individual cannot carry on with their
current body and will only feel comfortable by altering their body to their
desired identity of Eunuch. These professionals take a sensitive and nurturing
approach to medical intervention. Some existing state laws allow these
professionals to perform this surgery as it promotes full potential and total
well-being to these populations, which is their civil right.
The historical origin of the policy:
I researched the historical origin of my issue, and I found the following bible
verses that seem to be very early recognition of the Eunuch population from
two thousand plus years ago:
Matthew 19:12 ESV
For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs
who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have
made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one
who is able to receive this receive it.
Isaiah 56:4-5 ESV

"To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths, who choose the things that please
me and hold fast my covenant, I will give in my house and within my walls a
monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an
everlasting name that shall not be cut off.
In the Bible, we see recognition of all gender and various gender identities.
For example, in Genesis book, Jacob was represented as being mild and
stayed in a tent, and was chosen to lead God's people over his hairy hunter
brother. This feminine attribute in the ancient world indicates gender-
nonconformity. There are many religious affirmations of the gender spectrum
in the Bible that can help clear misconceptions of conservatives.
European colonizers intentionally eradicated the Native non-binary and two-
spirit population stating them as inferior and uncivilized. This asserted their
insecure-biased and unethical belief as the pinnacle of human existence, as
they may have been victims of prejudice themselves. They forgot their
struggles and hated the kind-hearted without premise instead of finding them
as friends. Thus, we only see more recognition of two genders in our society:
female and male. In Islam's religious history, we also find the persecution of
people with non-binary gender identity even if there is recognition of them in
the Quran. These other gender identities are not prioritized by the dominant
group in many countries, which resulted in much discrimination this
community still faces today. We see this community's struggles for recognition
throughout history.
Stonewall Riots and its effect on the LGBTQ community speak mountains on
discrimination by frequent police raids toward this minority group. It is
incredible how the first parade took place on 6/28/1970 and how it set the tone
for future parades to come. It is now an ongoing event that happens every
year to celebrate the LGBTQ community.
Followed by Stonewall Riots, the U.S. House of Representatives developed
the Initial Equality Act. Although this bill did not make it out of the review
committee, the Equality Act was reimagined and likewise failed to become a
Government Approaches to Address the Issue and Barriers:

In 2019, the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed the
Equality Act. The Equality Act prohibits discrimination for LGBTQ+ people in
employment, housing, public accommodation, public education, federal
funding credit, and the jury system - it is also now under consideration for the
senate. This current Equality act does not promote the right to Eunuch non-
binary surgery. Some state-level ruling has enabled individuals to transition.
The following associations and committees are working with the government
to protect gender identity-related rights:
American Medical Association (AMA) adopts a new policy with the federal
government that works with the medical community to address gender
identity-related health concerns. Fourteen state law prohibits discrimination
based on gender identity and allows healthcare services provision.
The NASW (National Association of Social Workers) and NCLGBTI (National
Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Issues) view gender
dysphoria as a medical model, not a mental health model and are trying to
remove this from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders). Their shared commitment will promote future laws to extend the
right of this surgery for the population who needs it.
The ACLU has also represented the community with varying gender identity
and fought for their rights since 1936. The ACLU makes sure that individuals
with this identity do not get discriminated against for their choice of this
surgery in a state where non-discrimination law is in place.
The social welfare policies are derived from beliefs, myths, and values of the
dominant group: white, male heterosexual colonizers. This framework for
providing assistance lists criteria that may not prioritize the right to Eunuch
non-binary surgery or lifestyle. The dominant social group and also the
traditional family members and the community, in general, do not recognize
these unique populations with respect and dignity. They are susceptible to
discrimination, such as disregard, disbelief, condescending interaction, and
other socio-economic disadvantages. The dominant group is also trying to ban
the Equality Act.

Currently, the right to Eunuch non-binary surgery is not an absolute right for
anybody. Some medical practitioners and practices can discriminate against
such a gender identity as there is no federal law that mandates them to
respect this choice of surgery. For this population, their survival is under threat
without it. The mental health professionals' recommendations and some state
ruling allow this surgery to happen in a few states and only in a few centers
within those states. There is no nationwide recognition of this surgery,
meaning most of the general population is unaware of this specific surgery's
benefit and its historical root.
There is a lack of insight within the medical community. They minimize,
ignore, and even band-aid the distress people experience due to gender
identity. There are not enough experienced practitioners who empathize fully
with the physical and psychological needs related to gender identity.
There is never a full guarantee of paying for this surgery through health
insurance nationwide, even if it is a vital decision for people in distress. This
sometimes leads them to commit suicide. Individuals can be rejected by
medical intervention based on where they reside and dependent on their
healthcare policy. Also, people without insurance are not protected by
government funding to receive this surgery.
WPATH (The World Professional Association for Transgender Health)
standard for care does not recognize the transition to Eunuch non-binary or
call out genital nullification and related non-binary surgery as a separate
Conclusion and Recommendation:
Addressing this policy will establish more worldwide recognition of the people
with gender identity issues. By doing that, conservatives will not hold onto
their beliefs and identify and work to address the world's reality and achieve
the common good. Ending this stigma will involve diversity training and
adaptation for the entire community, including the family and parents of these
children, youths, and adults with this gender identity. This way, this population
can be free from experiencing an elevated level of violence, rejection, and
loneliness, leading them to suicide ideation.

The Williams Institute survey in 2016 estimates that 0.6% of the U.S.
population is Transgender. According to the suicide prevention center, 10% of
transgender people recently attempted suicide. Up to 43% of transgender
people have attempted suicide in their lifetime. Since gender identity is not
recorded on death certificates, the exact number of trans people who die by
suicide most likely be greater than the statistics above. Sex-reassignment
surgery, which is not my policy proposal, is one option transgender individuals
choose more often in the hope of attaining congruence; however, these
surgeries (Female to Male, Male to Female) seem to just mask problems and
do not completely solve the initial distress and often leads to a considerably
higher risk of mortality, suicide behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the
general population according to a 2011 study of 324 Swedish transgender
individuals by the Karolinska Institute and other long term studies.
Unacceptance of LGBTQ youth often leads them to homelessness and puts
them at a higher risk of exploitation and suicide. Therefore, Eunuch non-
binary surgery may be the one viable option for people with gender dysphoria
as it does not require them to fit into any traditional gender stereotype and
allow them a healthy state of mind.
All public and private insurances should pay for this surgery and other related
medical costs nationwide and pay for life long care pre-post-surgery. Medical
interventions related to this surgery should be under the government's
spending budget and possibly received from increasing the top income tax
and other payroll taxes. Government should also provide safety net health
coverage for uninsured within this category as it can save many lives and
restore their normal quality of life. The medical interventions can be a lifelong
need for all age-groups and needs to be covered fully by health coverage
through this policy.
Considering this, funding to train more doctors and other professionals (such
as social workers and therapists) with a concentration in Eunuch non-binary
related gender identity will be necessary to meet the complete needs, and
AMA is taking some initial initiative on it.
Current medical interventions for this surgery are likely to have minimal risks;
however, it is outweighed by the benefits of this surgery as it promotes the
desired lifestyle of many with a wish for a neutral gender identity lifestyle. By

having surgical results representing gender-neutral experience, it will allow
more flexible adaptation within our society and help eliminate symptoms of
gender dysphoria. Government Spending on medical research and
development of the best intervention will also be necessary to implement
future improvements to address current intervention's limitations.
Gender neutrality is usually restricted by social constructs that are binary
(female and male). What looks and feels like a Eunuch non-binary by a
Eunuch non-binary surgical result may still be viewed as female and male to
others. In other words, a binary society may not fully understand the gender
identity of this population. However, a person who transitioned to Eunuch non-
binary will experience gender-neutrality and be free of lifestyle limitations.
Society's unawareness of the Eunuch population should be gone for the
Eunuch population to live with dignity and respect. The society then too would
be happy to transition to Eunuch life when they would know that Eunuch life is
to remain innocent and appropriate; to believe their human dignity is their
The Michigan representative is to propose the right to Eunuch non-binary
surgery with the expansion of the Equality Act for people who wish to live sex-
free life. And if they choose, they can consider genetic cloning and raise
children with prayer and praise of divinity as Yeshua envisioned. This Act will
allow anyone to walk into any facility everywhere in Michigan and start a
dialogue for federal policy in the U.S. and its territories to access this surgery
and other necessary related interventions from any experienced practitioner
with full medical coverage. Addressing oppression and discrimination is the
core of the social work code of ethics and should guide this policy
recommendation as it is valid for social welfare.



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